
Been Declined Credit? Credit Repair Ausvengers Can Help!

Been Declined Credit? Credit Repair Ausvengers Can Help!

If you have been declined credit, Credit Repair Ausvengers can help. We offer our credit repair and improvement service that have helped many people improve their credit score. Our credit repair team is experienced and knowledgeable in the credit improvement process, and we will work tirelessly to help you achieve your goals. Contact us today to learn more about our credit repair service!

When you apply for credit with a phone or utility company, or take out a loan from a bank or finance firm, they usually check your application against their lending guidelines as well as your credit report to see whether they will offer you credit.

You will have given a lender, phone or utility company permission to view your credit report from a credit reporting body like Equifax, one of Australia’s major consumer credit reporting agencies, as part of the application process.

Application for credit may be refused if the following reasons are present:

  • Level of income and other resources to meet the loan repayments
  • Number of other loans and other financial commitments you have
  • How secure your employment is
  • Your credit history which can include information such as previous bankruptcy, defaults, serious credit infringements, high number of credit applications and poor repayment history.

If you have been turned down for credit and the information on your credit report was the cause, the lender, phone company, or utility provider will inform you of the credit reporting agency it used. If it was Equifax, obtaining a copy of your credit report is step one in determining why your credit report has affected your ability to obtain credit.

It’s vital to note that Equifax does not make the decision who gets credit, but the data we provide may influence some lenders’ decisions. What Equifax can do is assist you in gaining a better understanding of your credit report information.

If you have been declined credit, or are finding it difficult to get approved for a loan, then contact the credit repair experts at Credit Repair Ausvengers today. We can help to remove negative listings from your credit file, such as defaults, court judgements and fraudulent enquiries, which will give you a better chance of being approved for a loan.

Source: Jasper

Credit Repair Ausvengers is here to help you improve your credit score. We have a team of experienced and knowledgeable professionals who will work tirelessly to help you achieve your goals. Contact us today to learn more about our credit repair service!